Seasons Greetings from GACAH 🎄

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As we enter this festive season all of us at Give A Child A Hope would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We sincerely thank those of you who have supported Give A Child A Hope and the Revival Centre in this most difficult year. We are very grateful for the help you have given to Bishop Ivan and Madam Allen and everyone at The Revival Centre. Because of your help, they too can also go into this festive time knowing they are supported by you – so thank you!

The Zoom for Matugga event was a real success and along with some very generous donations raised over £2200! About 60 people joined us on the night. It was really enjoyable and informative evening. A HUGE THANK YOU to Peter Willox and Keely Hodgson for hosting  such a super event – and to Keely for teaching us a new song.


If you would still like to donate then the link button is below 


We still have Christmas cards and Gift Cards available to order, please get in touch with Kate at as there is still time to get them out to you.



In the meantime stay safe and we wish you all the best for 2021

Donate Online for The Revival Centre



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Ding Dong Merrily on High…

With less than 2 months to go, that season is fast approaching us again! This year the animals from Africa want to join in with the festive fun – so why not order your pack of 5 specially designed Christmas cards to send out to family and friends and bring some joy.

With a minimum donation of £5 a pack please contact Kate at to let her know how many packs, your name and address and Kate will email you the payment details directly.


For those who fancy something different, as a bonus we also have only 25 packs of a lovely fir cone design (5 in a pack), these are available for £4 a pack.  Please let Kate know if you would like to add these to your order.
Those local to Ilkley will get a free delivery, further afield may incur postal costs.

  This is a limited edition run, so get your order in now!

Copyright © 2018 Give A Child A Hope, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email beause you have expressed an interest in supporting Matugga

Our mailing address is:

Give A Child A Hope
GACAH St John’s Church Office
Bolling Road
Ben Rhydding, West Yorkshire LS29 8PN
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SUNDAY, 1 NOVEMBER 2020 FROM 14:00-16:00 Online Event

Tribal Dance Zoom workshop Online event

Tribal Dance Workshop on Zoom to raise funds for the Revival Centre, Matugga. Sunday 1st November, at 2.00-4.00pm.
This workshop is open to all and will include Raks Zina tribal slow and fast moves, inspired from other tribal dance styles. We will work towards a short choreography, where I will show you each individual move and then add them gradually to the choreography. An opportunity to escape the news and have some fun. For folks new to this style of dance, I will encourage you to have a go. I will aim to support you through any tricky parts.
The cost to do the workshop is through a donation, with a minimum of £5.
We hope that you feel you can support this event and so help the charity to support the children at the Revival Centre.
Please use the link below to transfer you donation and please write the vent name in the message section
If you need to get in contact, the please email Kate Brown  at for more details.
Details of the evnt can be found on the facebook page 

September 2020 Update




September 2020


Covid-19 and Revival Schools

The numbers of COVID 19 cases in Uganda are increasing but reported cases still remain low compared with Europe, and the government is being very cautious about easing lockdown restrictions, which is very understandable.

Currently all schools and universities remain closed, with the plan for a phased return.

  • Students due to take key stage exams and university finalists will return on October 15th.
  • The remainder will be expected to repeat the whole academic year returning in phases in February and March 2021.

Since lockdown was first put in place in March your ongoing support has enabled Ivan and Allen to achieve many things.

  • They have been able to retain the majority of the Revival Centre staff, albeit it on reduced salaries.
  • The Revival Centre was able to participate in the inter-faith humanitarian relief effort providing maize and poshu beans to starving families in Matugga.
  • Extensive work has been carried out within the schools, dormitories and clinic in order to comply with the government Covid guidelines ready for re-opening.
  • They have continued to share their home with a small number of champions who have no safe home to go to.
None of these would have been possible without your continuing gifts via The Partnership Trust and the many extra donations we have received – thank you so much.
We have no indication as yet when our Further Education students can return to University, but we have been able to successfully register our two new champions for their respective courses, Denis who is to study Electrical Engineering and Fisal who is to study Industrial Chemistry.



Bishop Ivan seeks support for his Church Ministry


Whilst the Champions Support Programme and Revival Centre Schools are central to Give A Child A Hope’s support, these are only part of Ivan’s whole ministry.
Central to all that Bishop Ivan does is the Revival Church, and the church is at the heart of the community in Matugga. 
The church has always shared the use of the Primary School hall, but last year this changed when the Ministry of Education stated that to uphold safeguarding requirements in all schools, community based adults and students should no longer use shared facilities. The church then bought some land and moved off site into temporary tented accommodation. Now the church has had plans approved for a new church building, a great opportunity but of course requires funds.
Although GACAH is not directly linked with Revival Church we are aware that a number of our supporters have contributed to Ivan’s church ministry over the years and might wish to do so again.
With that in mind, on Ivan’s behalf, we have put together an information pack explaining the Revival Church’s needs, and how you can support Ivan.  If you want to know more, please contact our administrator at and we will send you an information pack.
At this time of great need, we would hope that any gifts for the church would not dilute your giving to our charity, but any gift you are able to send will be hugely encouraging to Ivan as he embarks on this project under such difficult circumstances brought about by Coronavirus.




Copyright © 2015 Give A Child A Hope, all rights reserved.
Registered Charity No. 1153184
Our mailing address is:

Give A Child A Hope, GACAH St John’s Church Office, Bolling Road,
Ben Rhydding, West Yorkshire LS29 8PN, United Kingdom.
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Cards for Matugga

Cards for Matugga on Sale Now!

Our usual programme of fundraising has not been possible during lock down, so we are trying something new and hope to launch more initiatives in the coming weeks. 
From today you can buy these beautiful cards. It is always useful to have some spare cards ready for birthdays, celebrations or any occasion. Why not buy some of these and help to support Bishop Ivan and The Revival Centre at the same time. 

Copyright © 2018 Give A Child A Hope, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email beause you have expressed an interest in supporting Matugga

Our mailing address is:

Give A Child A Hope
GACAH St John’s Church Office
Bolling Road
Ben Rhydding, West Yorkshire LS29 8PN
United Kingdom

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Update from The Revival Centre June 2020

Update from The Revival Centre Matugga June 2020

Since we last wrote Uganda’s  President delayed the reopening of schools for at least a further month, until July, saying that “the situation is still very risky when there are day students, teachers and school workers who commute every day as this could affect the entire boarding community”
The number of confirmed COVID cases in Uganda sadly continues to rise, particularly in the border towns, however with some cases locally in Matugga. This is giving rise to concerns that full lockdown may be reinstated. There is much concern about lost income and food shortages, and many families are going hungry.
A huge thank you to all our supporters who continue to send gifts, this has enabled Ivan and Allen to pay staff wages and make preparations for the Centre’s reopening in accordance with government regulations. All staff and students will be required to wear masks, undergo temperature checks and all rooms fumigated.
When the Centre reopens we are expecting that further funds will be needed, to help them to meet regulations for operating ‘under COVID’. Sadly  we are expecting many fee paying students will also need help, because their families have lost their livelihood and  all income. Consequently they are no longer able to  pay the school fees.
We speak with Ivan and Allen every week to support them and for us to get a greater understanding of what the situation is in the community and the school. When the challenges and needs become clear we will write further.

One of the dormitories being painted

Good news
Despite the challenges that the coronavirus pandemic brings we still have good news to share. Just prior to lockdown in Uganda the exam results were released and the news was very encouraging with the Revival Schools achieving some of the best results in the area. Madam Allen says: I wish to share that all our primary seven candidates that sat for their primary leaving exams last year have had their results released and they are good results. We had 8 first grades and 27 second grades. We registered no failures.”
In addition, one of the Senior 4 champions Jessy Kimumulo particularly excelled in her exam performance (equivalent of our GCSE). Madam Allen says: “Our Jessy was the best in our area which has brought Revival Grammar to appear in the newspapers as well as our other media (radios).”  Another champion Patience came in second place within the area and the others followed with 10 first grades, 10 second grades, 30 third grades and 17 fourth grades.
The Senior 6 pupils also did extremely well in there A level exams. Nine out of fourteen students achieved high enough grades to meet the requirements to potentially go forward for further education. Madam Allen tells us that the possibility of gaining support through the GACAH Further Education Scholarship has really motivated the senior pupils in their studies.

Denis is the candidate for the Scholarship Fund in 2020

Scholarship news
This year, two equally matched candidates have had to compete for the Further Education Scholarship. Given that we only have sufficient funds to support one candidate this has unfortunately made for a difficult decision.
After much careful thought Ivan and Allen have chosen Denis K to be the 2020 recipient of the Scholarship. Denis has worked consistently hard at Revival and wishes to study for a degree in Electrical Engineering and we are now supporting his registration for this course.
It is sad that we are not able to support the other equally strong candidate Fisal N but unfortunately funds currently do not allow for this.  Fisal too, has worked hard and has achieved very good grades.  He is clearly a bright young man and wishes to study Industrial Chemistry.  Madam Allen tells us that he is clearly very capable of achieving this ambition and he is very committed to studying.  Sadly, although both of his parents are able to support him emotionally, as subsistence farmers they do not have the means to support him financially. If you feel you would like to help support Fisal achieve his ambition then please do let our administrator Kate know her email is:
If enough supporters are able to contribute a part share, we may be able to make this happen.

Currently six other young people who are already receiving support from the Scholarship Fund are still engaged in university based or vocational studies as part of this programme. At this point in time universities and work places remain closed so their studies are temporarily on hold.

Fisal was the close runner up – can you help him?

Greetings from the extended Lugoloobi family 
We would like to share with you a video that Bishop Ivan sent through to St John’s Church Ben Rhydding, which he has given us permission to share more widely. If you have a moment to view it, we think you will enjoy it.  Just by note of explanation – the Lugoloobi household is much expanded as Ivan and his wife Allen are also caring for Champions and Further Education students who have no safe home to go to at present.
Times are tough throughout the world and certainly so in Uganda, but as you will see Bishop Ivan is facing his challenges with faith and his usual energy.


Video message from Bishop Ivan and Allen to St’ Johns Church

Copyright © 2015 Give A Child A Hope, all rights reserved.
Registered Charity No. 1153184

You are receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in supporting Matugga.
Our mailing address is:

Give A Child A Hope, GACAH St John’s Church Office, Bolling Road,
Ben Rhydding, West Yorkshire LS29 8PN, United Kingdom.

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